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News and events promoted by CRAFT and our partners



Work streams

Our generative spaces of ideas, projects and collaboration

The Competence Centre works on the development of methodologies and design approaches that help public administrations to make the most of uncertainty, complexity, fragmentation and to build enabling conditions.


OPEN FORUM arrow_forward

A space for debate and public discussion on territorial transformation processes, fragility and the means to activate antifragile resources.


RESEARCH HUB arrow_forward

A hub of national and international relations and strategic alliances aimed at building stable and qualified research networks and open and collaborative production of research.

UN-Habitat Milano MetroHUB

Polimi and UnHabitat for metropolitan challenges

The Milano MetroHUB Centre on Metropolitan Dynamics is a collaboration between UN-Habitat and Politecnico di Milano - DASTU Competence Centre focused on addressing the complex challenges of urbanization and leveraging the potential of metropolitan areas as engines of sustainable development and human prosperity. The collaboration seeks to develop innovative solutions through knowledge exchange, research, and collaboration.

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In Focus

Insights and recommended readings


Our pilot projects

Anti-fragility Lab is CRAFT's incubator of ideas and a driving force of "projects" in the broadest sense practiced within DAStU, i.e. of strategies, visions and actions. In March 2024, we closed our first call for ideas, aimed at promoting, consolidating and financing exploratory practices and design and research experiments characterized by: • a notable methodological and process innovation • the promotion of partnerships with territorial and institutional actors • the development of products and tools capable of generating effective impacts (cultural, social, spatial, environmental) in the territories • a contribution to the capacity of public administration to face the challenges related to transition, in conditions of crisis and uncertainty The selected projects face specific challenges for the context of reference or area of intervention, but have in common the attention to the connected socio-spatial fragility dynamics. Among the admitted projects we find: • National Biodiversity Future Center - Planning biodiverse and antifragile cities by Maria Chiara Pastore in collaboration with CNR and local authorities • Italian atlas of deaths (and seriously injuried) on bicycles by Paolo Bozzuto (Coordinator), Fabio Manfredini, Emilio Guastamacchia • The Sea of Lecce by Federico Zanfi and Francesco Curci in collaboration with the Municipality of Lecce • School segregation by Marta Cordini (coordinator), Andrea Parma and Costanzo Ranci • Spatial regeneration for the ecological and digital transition in the Alpine macroregion - A pilot project for Valtellina in the framework of the European EUSALP strategy by Andrea Arcidiacono and Stefano Di Vita • ProdAction Production Places in Transition - The fragility of territories and ordinary spaces of production, logistics and work by Cristiana Mattioli (coordinator), Eugenio Morello • Hybrid socio-cultural spaces in marginal mountain areas by Federica Maria Rossi (Project Coordinator), Ilaria Mariotti The projects financed by the center: • anchor themselves to the concept of anti-fragility and critically interpret its challenges • contribute to the formation of knowledge, skills, tools, planning and research capabilities that the Center makes available to a wider audience made up of local and institutional actors • contribute to the Teaching Excellence program, thanks to the development of knowledge, skills, approaches, and tools capable of producing high-quality training offered by DAStU
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Open School

Approfondimenti e letture consigliate


M-US-T Master Temporary Uses

The reuse of empty, abandoned or underused spaces, the anticipation of new uses in urban transformation processes, the re-signification of places and landscapes through ephemeral projects are some of the strategies that temporary uses resort to and that are proving crucial to address the challenge of rethinking contemporary urban space. The Master Temporary Uses (M-US-T) adopts this transformative vision and accompanies participants in understanding and experimenting with the potential offered by temporary uses as a factor in the regeneration of urban areas and landscapes and in community involvement. Temporary uses refer to the strategic and flexible use of abandoned, underused or transforming spaces. Starting from the centrality of temporariness in different practices and contexts: • in the processes of temporary reuse of abandoned or underused spaces and buildings • in the contexts of large-scale urban transformation interventions • in the tools to activate public spaces or intervene in landscape design • or even in reconstruction interventions after catastrophes in which the value of temporariness often risks lasting very long periods of time • or on the occasion of exceptional or recurring events that temporarily modify the city These are very different areas, which however share the condition of being modified according to different temporalities and which allow us to investigate, understand and experiment with the different forms of temporary uses. The examples are very different: from pop-up parks, to temporary cultural or aggregative events, from temporary commercial spaces to public art projects in the landscape, each of which contributes to strengthening the vitality of places and at the same time to unleash a potential for creativity that is functional to the development of antifragile skills and resources in urban contexts where they are often latent. The Master will address these topics in 6 distinct modules through lectures, visits and international case studies, meetings with stakeholders, a workshop and an internship experience. The Master Temporary Uses is a high-profile postgraduate training offer, with a strategic role in the CRAFT project that promotes antifragility and sustainability in urban territories. This program embodies the mission of activating and networking different knowledge and actors, promoting innovative design approaches that address contemporary challenges. By accompanying participants in the acquisition of useful skills to creatively approach marginal urban spaces, but with great potential, the Master promotes CRAFT's vision of cities open to experimentation and adaptive. The Master supports our broader goal of enabling local stakeholders and public administrations to interpret urban dynamics and trigger innovation processes, thus assuming a role as catalysts of change in an antifragile key. The Master allows you to acquire diversified skills that concern: 1. Theoretical foundations: an in-depth understanding of the principles and theories behind temporary uses and the historical context and contemporary relevance of this approach in urban planning 2. Practical applications: designing and implementing temporary use projects and interventions. This includes site analysis, stakeholder engagement 3. Community engagement strategies: methods for effectively engaging local communities, how to incorporate their input and ensure that temporary uses meet their needs and aspirations 4. Policy and governance: the regulatory frameworks and policies that impact temporary uses; the role of public administration in facilitating and managing these projects 5. Case studies: successful examples of temporary uses from around the world and critical cases of application of this approach to think about implications, consequences and risks to be governed 6. Fieldwork: opportunities to apply the knowledge learned in real contexts, gaining practical experience during the workshop that will be an integral part of the training offer, the internship and in the thesis project EnrollmentThe Master in Temporary Uses is more than an educational programme; it is an opportunity to explore innovative urban solutions and contribute to the transformation of our cities. The course aims to support participants to play a fundamental role in creating adaptable and resilient urban environments. Find out more about the Master in Temporary Uses and how it can help you become a reuse agent, expert, designer, activator, manager of temporary uses with skills useful for working in public administrations, in companies and real estate, in the fields of community animation and activation, in the field of consultancy, socio-cultural entrepreneurship or "placemaking" variously understood. Title awarded and CFU/ETCSAt the end of the Master, after passing the final exam, the M-US-T Master Temporary Uses diploma of 1st and 2nd level of the Politecnico di Milano will be issued. The Politecnico will also issue 60 CFU/ECTS. CFPAt the end of the Master, Italian Engineers and Architects, Planners, Landscapers and Conservationists will be able to have Professional Training Credits (CFP) recognized according to the guidelines established by their respective Orders of membership.
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Ampère 20

Our multipurpose headquarters

CRAFT's headquarters are located in Milan, via Ampere 20. It is a complex multifunctional space where higher education training, applied research and outreach come together and integrate. A building part of the university campus but open on/to the city, fueling continuous and open interaction between the university and society.

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