Resources and opportunities for collaboration and partnership

The center promotes wide-ranging and long-lasting national and international collaboration agreements with networks, scientific associations, centers of expertise, research institutes, think-tanks, bodies, associations and foundations.

We work to build partnerships and networks around the emerging themes identified as priorities by the Dastu Department of Excellence 2023-2027 project.

Our services

We promote development and provide infrastructure and strategic resources to fuel research and excellent teaching.

Would you like to collaborate with CRAFT? Explore our resources, infrastructure and opportunities.

Agreements and partnerships

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CRAFT promotes and supports innovative co-design initiatives with all institutions. We foster highly qualified applied research in collaboration with the local stakeholders. The goal is to launch territorial laboratories and experiments applying original and innovative approaches. To this end, CRAFT promotes collaboration agreements, memoranda of understanding, and structured partnerships with local, national, and international bodies.

Instrumental laboratories

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These services are made available by DAStU to support research, teaching, and consultancy activities. They deal with surveying, analysis, design, and representation at different scales, from architectural to urban and territorial, applying advanced methodologies and tools. CAFT relies on DAStU laboratories for its research and experimentation activities and contributes to their development and strengthening with specific funding.

Data platform

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Craft is working on the development of a portal collecting and making available and consultable all databases produced through departmental research. The platform allows for the enhancement of research and the creation of a service open to the various territorial actors who will be able to both explore and share data.


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Craft makes available to DAStU’s researchers funds to support institutional missions, i.e. exploratory/organizational missions for the establishment and consolidation of strategic partnerships, with a character of excellence, interdisciplinarity, multi-actorship, internationalization, social responsibility.

Visiting incoming/outgoing

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The Center, in collaboration with the Department, welcomes professors, researchers, and doctoral students visiting the Department of Architecture and Urban Studies (“visiting”). Likewise, it supports the mobility of DAStU’s staff towards other academic research institutions to consolidate highly qualified research partnerships and international exchanges characterized by excellence, interdisciplinarity, multi-actorship, internationalization, and social responsibility.

Open Access publications

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CRAFT provides DAStU staff with an individual fund for open-access online publications to support the activities of the Centre, and to promote its impact on highly qualified teaching, scientific research, and outreach.

Antenne territoriali

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The Centre promotes and supports the co-design of other CRAFT spaces outside the university (territorial antennas), which can be activated, ad hoc and temporarily, in territories/contexts available for collaboration, with the aim of intercepting local issues and challenges and setting in motion a network of territorial relations and resources.

Co-design of Training Courses

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CRAFT offers tailored services to public administrations and territorial stakeholders aimed at co-designing training courses and personalized education modules. Our expertise spans various domains including urban planning, environmental sustainability, and socio-economic development. By collaborating closely with public entities and community actors, we ensure that our educational offerings are highly relevant and impactful.

Our approach includes:

Customized Training Programs: We develop specialized training courses that address the specific needs and challenges faced by public administrations and local communities.

Co-design Workshops: Through interactive workshops, we engage stakeholders in the co-creation process, ensuring that the content is practical and applicable.

Ad Hoc Education Modules: We offer flexible and tailored educational modules designed to enhance the skills and knowledge of local stakeholders, supporting them in achieving their strategic goals.

Explore how CRAFT can support your organization in building antifragile territories through innovative education and collaborative engagement.

Open Forum: events and seminars

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CRAFT Open Forum is an inclusive platform designed for territorial stakeholders to propose events of strategic relevance and actively contribute to the debate on the future of our territories and communities. This forum encourages collaboration and knowledge exchange among public administrators, local actors, researchers, and practitioners.

By participating in the CRAFT Open Forum, stakeholders can:

Propose strategic events: Submit and organize events that address pressing issues and opportunities in territorial development.

Engage in meaningful dialogue: Join discussions that shape the future of urban and rural areas, focusing on sustainability, resilience, and innovation.

Network and Collaborate: Connect with a diverse community of professionals dedicated to enhancing the antifragility of territories.

Our partners

Oneworks e Unace

Progetto di ricostruzione post-bellica della città di Mykolayev, in Ucraina, in


Progetto di sviluppo di un Metrohub a supporto del ruolo della scala metropolitana nella progettazione di politiche/azioni/progetti per lo sviluppo sostenibile in collaborazione con

ANCI Lombardia

Progetto di ricerca sui bisogni/capacità progettuali anti-fragilità per i comuni Lombardi

Regione Lombardia

Accordo di collaborazione per il Supporto ai Comuni per lo sviluppo di strategie territoriali


Attività di ricerca “Forrest For Future 3F_Strategie e progetti per l’innovazione del patrimonio forestale regionale, Valle d’Intelvi Rural Smart Chain e Riccagioia Agri-Academy”

Agenzia del Demanio

Struttura per la Progettazione, per la elaborazione di linee guida per la riqualificazione e il recupero di complessi architettonici di grandi 4 dimensioni in stato di degrado/abbandono

Atlante Italiano dei Morti (e dei feriti gravi) in bicicletta

In collaborazione con Enti locali e Associazioni di settore

Struttura Commissariale del Governo

Per la ricostruzione post sisma e post frana a Ischia

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