

Production Places in Transition


2024 / 2025

Research coordinator

Cristiana Mattioli


2024 / 2025

Research team

Simonetta Armondi, Stefano Di Vita, Agim Kercuku, Arturo Lanzani, Marcello Magoni, Chiara Merlini, Eugenio Morello, Gloria Pessina, Giulia Setti, Davide Simoni

The fragilities of ordinary territories and spaces of production, logistics and work


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The project articulates the link between spaces of production and territorial fragilities in a plural, multidimensional and transcalar way, specifically addressing: 
  • Fragilization processes of production spaces (decommissioning, underutilization, pollution, low efficiency, degradation, sectoriality, etc.). 
  • Fragilization processes of territories by production spaces/subjects (socio-territorial impacts of new forms of production and logistics, as well as digital archiving activities) 
  • Anti-fragile policies for territories and spaces of production and logistics, at different scales and according to different governance models 
The activities of the researchers belonging to the group focus on the investigation of different forms of fragility observed in their territorial dimension, understood as a space-society relationship, in close connection with the theme of production. 

The ProdAction project envisages the organisation of a series of exploratory workshops between researchers and subjects who, in different capacities and territorial contexts, are today faced with the task of planning production and logistics areas, responding to requests for new industrial plants or the transformation and redevelopment of existing activities and workplaces.

The workshops will be an opportunity to understand the current processes of change (economic, spatial and governance) and to verify some research hypotheses (observatory), to gather needs and cases (sensing), to disseminate researchers' skills and present some previous research works, and to create opportunities for constant exchange between actors and researchers (networking). The project will act as a link between CRAFT and the territories in studying the relationship between production spaces and territorial fragility, with the aim to propose appropriate anti-fragility actions and policies.

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