Journal /

In Focus

Our pilot projects

CRAFT's incubator of ideas

Anti-fragility Lab is CRAFT's incubator of ideas and a driving force of "projects" in the broadest sense practiced within DAStU, i.e. of strategies, visions and actions.

In March 2024, we closed our first call for ideas, aimed at promoting, consolidating and financing exploratory practices and design and research experiments characterized by:
  • a notable methodological and process innovation
  • the promotion of partnerships with territorial and institutional actors
  • the development of products and tools capable of generating effective impacts (cultural, social, spatial, environmental) in the territories
  • a contribution to the capacity of public administration to face the challenges related to transition, in conditions of crisis and uncertainty

The selected projects face specific challenges for the context of reference or area of intervention, but have in common the attention to the connected socio-spatial fragility dynamics. Among the admitted projects we find:
  • National Biodiversity Future Center - Planning biodiverse and antifragile cities by Maria Chiara Pastore in collaboration with CNR and local authorities
  • Italian atlas of deaths (and seriously injuried) on bicycles by Paolo Bozzuto (Coordinator), Fabio Manfredini, Emilio Guastamacchia
  • The Sea of Lecce by Federico Zanfi and Francesco Curci in collaboration with the Municipality of Lecce
  • School segregation by Marta Cordini (coordinator), Andrea Parma and Costanzo Ranci
  • Spatial regeneration for the ecological and digital transition in the Alpine macroregion - A pilot project for Valtellina in the framework of the European EUSALP strategy by Andrea Arcidiacono and Stefano Di Vita
  • ProdAction Production Places in Transition - The fragility of territories and ordinary spaces of production, logistics and work by Cristiana Mattioli (coordinator), Eugenio Morello
  • Hybrid socio-cultural spaces in marginal mountain areas by Federica Maria Rossi (Project Coordinator), Ilaria Mariotti

The projects financed by the center:
  • anchor themselves to the concept of anti-fragility and critically interpret its challenges
  • contribute to the formation of knowledge, skills, tools, planning and research capabilities that the Center makes available to a wider audience made up of local and institutional actors
  • contribute to the Teaching Excellence program, thanks to the development of knowledge, skills, approaches, and tools capable of producing high-quality training offered by DAStU

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