
New forms of industrial urbanism?

The places of manufacturing and logistics in the face of the ecological transition.


18 giugno 2024 10:30


18 giugno 2024 12:30


Building 29, Sala Consiglio Politecnico di Milano

Research team

Stefano Di Vita, Cristiana Mattioli and Eugenio Morello (Politecnico di Milano, DAStU, Progetto Pilota ProdAction)

The seminar aims to present and discuss the research developed by DAStU visiting professors, prof. Yonn Dierwechter (University of Washington, Tacoma, School of Urban Studies) and Eduardo Cuscè Nobre (Universidade de Sao Paulo, Faculdade de Arquitectura e Urbanismo), in relation to goals of thematic collaboration and dissemination promoted by the ProdAction pilot project of the CRAFT competence center. In this framework, the seminar focuses on the connections and contradictions between the metamorphosis of manufacturing and logistic spaces and activities, and the green agendas of cities through case studies in advanced-economy countries and BRICS countries.

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